If yes, this causes less count of RG citation than Google Scholar.
I think that it is from the uploaded publications on RG only.
Probably, the authors of the articles who cited our articles are not members of RG or not yet uploaded the articles.
09 October 2018 5,707 11 View
I have an issue with APA 7th in-text citation. II have two papers where the first three authors are the same, and the fourth is different. I am using the Mendeley desktop app, and automatically it...
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If you google this you find a lot of smart guys explaining you how to download 1 year of citations of 1 single paper of yours (or anyone else). I mean 1 year of ALL my papers. or ... ALL years or...
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Hi there! I regularly receive suggestion about papers and authors that are totally out of my area. Does anybody know how I can fix this? Thank you!
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Which is suitable for use with Python? MySQL or SQL Server? What is your suggestion?
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I need to be able to match in-text citations to a reference list and back again in very large documents (100+ pages) WITHOUT the use of referencing software like Endnote. my method is to type the...
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As a former management practitioner, I recall a generally accepted view that changing organisational culture is difficult, so you should only attempt it if the organisational change that you are...
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Dear colleagues, I have found that many authors have a concern regarding their missing citation in RG because often citation in RG is lower than google scholars. I also missed some citation...
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The impact factor is a measure of the importance of a journal based on the number of citations received in a year. ... Articles published in a journal with a high impact factor do not all receive...
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