Article CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants: 2014

Since around the year 2000 NIST started to fudge many measurements (e.g. mass of 4He) with fringe QED approximations based on so called loop corrections.

The technique used is based on simple mathematical cheats like, using exact functions to approximate measured values. This is done to "avoid" = cheat about the naturally occurring rounding errors of order 2log(n) for adding n different values. This stone age prestidigitation has also been used for the electron g-factor cheating paper.

QED so far has failed to not even narrowly describe anything important (charge radius,magnetic moment mass relation for e.g. the proton/neutron) about dense matter. Why should it be used to correct a mass at the 10th digit if it's best calculations deliver only 4 digits (for mass like quantities!!)??

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