Hi all!
I have some 16S sequences amplified with the universal primers 341F: CCTACGGGNGGCWGCAG & 805R: GACTACHVGGGTATCTAATCC. I have checked the sequences and primers are present in all sequences, yet, they do not have ambiguous bases. For example, for 341-F instead of having: "CCTACGGGN" there is, "CCTACGGGT".
I want to use DADA2 to analyze these sequences, but I have read the following: "DADA2's chimera removal step requires primers to have been removed, as otherwise the ambiguous nucleotides in most primer sets cause large numbers of false-positive chimeras to be identified". But, sequences do not have ambiguous nucleotides...
My question is, does keeping primers (without ambiguous nucleotides) could affect 16s subsequent analysis?
And if so, how would it affect it?
Any help/insight will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!