I'm looking for the O, Zn and Li ions mobility values for ZnO:Li oxide, which are seem unavailable in reports. Does anyone have idea about these? Thanks.
Solid-solid diffusion coefficients are typically in the region 10-10 to 10-11 cm2/s at room temperature but there's a marked temperature dependence and the diffusion is accentuated by grain boundaries and defects.
BTW, a DLS or zeta potential system measures the diffusion coefficient of particles or molecules in solution not solid-solid diffusion (often carried out with radionuclides). I suspect that the fact that there are no stable radionuclides of lithium (Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_lithium - states: The longest-lived radioisotope of lithium is lithium-8, which has a half-life of just 838 milliseconds. Lithium-9 has a half-life of 178 milliseconds, and lithium-11 has a half-life of about 8.6 milliseconds) make this type of study pretty difficult. For zinc the situation may be different and a useful review paper (that you may have seen) is http://psec.uchicago.edu/library/microchannel_plates/zinc_oxide.pdf
Contacting these authors may prove beneficial. Good luck!