First of all, thanks so much to everyone for these information shared! There are a lot of useful things for me. However, my question is only answered partially and I would like to specify my actual interest:
Within my PhD thesis, I want to assess the effect of lecturer's authenticity within an Entrepreneurship Education excursion, wherefore I need reputable scales. Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken, you understood it very well, and indeed, I am particularly looking on different teaching methods (I hypothesize a stronger effect of experiential entrepreneurship education in comparison to traditional entrepreneurship education).
I found some interesting items (De Bruyckere & Kirschner, 2017), which should serve as an example what I mean with lecturer's authenticity:
Component "Proximity":
A teacher is perceived as authentic when he or she...
- makes time to have talks with his students
- is gentle with his pupils but knows his boundaries
- has a good contact with his students
- doesn’t teach in a monotonous way
- has his own style of interaction with his students
- etc.
Component "Live to teach":
A teacher is perceived as authentic when he or she...
- puts a lot effort into his subject
- likes the subject he is teaching
- thinks teaching is his life
- has an interest in his subject
- has a strong conviction
- etc.
Up to now, this is the only suitable article I found on my own according to my research interest. A lot of articles are dedicated to authenticity of one's own behaviour, but this is not what I am willing to invesitagte. Therefore, I am very open for any additional contributions dedicated to lecturer's authenticity.