tErwin Frets This may sound obvious, but did you Google? There are also agency, industry, and commercial providers that provide classes.: https://www.unavco.org/education/professional-development/short-courses/short-courses.html and the companies that provide equipment and services also have classes ( although probably specialized towards their market segments ): https://skygeo.com/insar-training/
Hi Michael John Patrick ! Thanks for googling that for me indeed :D !
I already had found unavco indeed, but they are in the US. But I contacted SkyGeo, I'll let you know ! They seem to be based in the Netherlands and Germany, let's see !
Erwin Frets It is always useful to search along the entire chain of the vertical market of any technology - from the academics preforming research, along to manufacturers of the enabling equipment, the service providers that use the equipment, down to the users in a particular specialized domain that use a particular flavor of the technology - i.e. the entire 'ecosystem'.