I have created a loop in stata to change the initial values of parameters that i want to estimate in maximum likelihood estimation. I want stata to stop the loop, once the convergence is achieved. I am using the following command :

forval i=-1(.1)1 {

forval j=-1(.1)1 {

forval k=-1(.1)1 {

forval l=-1(.1)1 {

forval m=-1(.1)1 {

capture noisily ml model lf ml_b_d_luce_logit_f ( r: choices ra t t0 taudays earlyamt delayedamt p0left prize0left prize1left prize0right prize1right=) (mu:) (delta:) (beta:)(nu:) , missing maximize technique(bfgs)  init(`i' `j' `k' `l' `m', copy) robust

ml display






 Does anyone know how to do go about it? 

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