I have measured efficiency of plant extracts on mosquitoes (Culex pipiens and Aedes aegypti) but without animals. I put the extracts on the surface of abiotic objects and counted the mosquito landings and also assessed their distance from the source of extracts. Investigations were made in a cage.
Thanks for your response Dr Adras. I am just wondering whether the method that you use is effective especially without the presence of bait (live subject)?
I do not agree with Andras. The question was repelancy not landing or attraction. In both cases you should provide food (host- blood sorce) and give them chance to be attracted or repelled. Without food they will sit anywhere. If you keep rats without treatment with plant extracts- as control - better will be the result.
Sorry I dot have any test method. You and your advisors (promotors) are the persons to frame it considering the above point keeping in mind your budget, time in your hand, physical space etc and of course your objectives. Also consider that if the mosquitoes will be kept in a confined area then even if there is repellent effect at last they will go to have food to protect them selves from starvation.
This you can estimate by applying a known amount of repellent on the shaved back of the mice or rabbit caged in iron cage and place both the rabbit/ mouse in mosquito cage along with control animal than you can find out number of mosquitoes landing on control as well as test animal. For detail you may check on who website.
The advantage of using a host-source is that, In addition to landing versus non-landing counts, you can also collect the mosquitoes and determine if any took in a blood meal.
Please use mice or rabbit [shave back]. Apply your product [titration is essential] on the animal, which need to be caged. Use control animals with out the product to be tested. Count the landing mosquitoes on the test and the control. One can not conclude that the product has repellent activity before the test. It may have or may not have. If repellent, how much repellent is another question to be tested. Repellent activity has to be considered carefully, it shifts the problem by driving the mosquitoes elsewhere without killing them. Studies on mosquitoes are complex and complicated but very interesting. lalitha kabilan
Cage -hen with eyes tied and release the wild collected mosquito in netted cage,wait for an hour/half,.Remove the animal. Place a glucose dipped cotton in petridish inside miosquito cage and for feeding . Once again to the same animal apply repellent on desired animal ,or apply repellent on human hand and place it inside the cage to study repellent effects.