I am trying to validate remotely sensed vegetation phenology (land surface phenology) using field data. Therefore, I need to know the abundance and spatial distribution of deciduous tree species.
This site has raster maps of land use (Corine 2006) at 250 and 100 m resolution. Thats a pretty high resolution. 3 to 4 forest classes are distinguished. Maybe that's a good start to ge more into detail for the species approach in Germany and Austria.
You can get tree species maps at the European Forest Institute EFi) after registration.
In general ICP Forests data (http://icp-forests.net/page/plots-data) can provide you with an overview of species monitored on a 16x16km grid; an other good source are the NFI (e.g. for Germany: http://www.bundeswaldinventur.de).
Hi, Victor, maybe you can find what you want in this website: http://www.efi.int/portal/virtual_library/information_services/mapping_services/tree_species_maps_for_european_forests/.