I want to research about adult attachment and reflexive function. The best way for it is with the RF scale and the AAI. But both intruments need training and I wonder if exist institutes for this in Colombia or Latin America or where?
I think you should look at this link for AAI training http://attachment-training.com/at/home/training/ and for this one for RF training http://www.annafreud.org/training-research/ucl-postgraduate-study/ they used to have a course on an interview about RF.
For the Dynamic Maturation Model you can google Family Relations Institute or Patricia Crittenden. it is more difficult to learn than the ABCD model, but more precise and useful in the information it yields.
As bruce has already suggested search the family relations website for AAI trainers in your area. Alternatively contact Rebecca Carr Hopkins from Independent Social Work Matters http://iswmatters.co.uk/what-we-do/assessment-of-attachment/. Training is extensive (and expensive) and can be quite tricky to pick up.