We know the formula of determinant of every tridiagonal matrix in continued fraction form via LU factorization of the matrix. Does anyone know about the explicit formula of determinant of tridiagonal matrix in another difference form?
In one old Russian textbook, I've found the following result: the determinant of the tridiagonal matrix of the form
a_1 b_1 0 0 0 ...
-c_2 a_2 b_2 0 0 ...
0 - c_3 a_3 b_3 0 ...
of the order n equals the sum of its leading term a_1a_2...a_n and all the terms obtained from this product by replacement one or several pairs of neighbour product a_ja_{j+1} by b_j c_{j+1}. So, for the order 5 it has the form:
Dear Wiwat, if I "good" understand your question, this is an answer on Wikipedia:
The determinant of a tridiagonal matrix A of order n can be computed from a three-term recurrence relation. Write f1 = |a1| = a1 and fn=det A=an fn-1 -cn-1 bn-1 fn-2, where A is the tridiagonal matrix with ( a1,. . . ,an ) the main diagonal, ( b1 ,. . .. , bn-1 ) the upper one and ( c1 , . . . ,cn-1 ) the lower one
I would like to have the explicit formula of the determinant, that is, for given a tridiagonal matrix, we can compute the determinate by substitute ai, bj, and ck in the formula only.
In one old Russian textbook, I've found the following result: the determinant of the tridiagonal matrix of the form
a_1 b_1 0 0 0 ...
-c_2 a_2 b_2 0 0 ...
0 - c_3 a_3 b_3 0 ...
of the order n equals the sum of its leading term a_1a_2...a_n and all the terms obtained from this product by replacement one or several pairs of neighbour product a_ja_{j+1} by b_j c_{j+1}. So, for the order 5 it has the form:
What gave Alexei Uteshev is exactly what is in my answer. by computing the recurrence relation, we obtain the determinant in terms of ai, bj , and ck only. i verified it on 5 by 5 matrix. Just i have to add f0 =1 for the recurrence relation above, which also called continuant.
The explicit expression for the determinant exists though it is complicated. One possible formula in stated in Proposition 4 in the paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.1743. The formula is written in terms of a function called \mathfrak{F} which is defined in Definition 1 therein.