IGBT semiconductor, how it is manufactured or material used for process. Is it feasible to prepared mini channels on this semiconductor. What issues must be study before mini channels prepared over it?
The IGBT transistor can be considered a power MOSFET with an extra p+- layer below the n- drain layer. Such that an injecting junction is formed which serves to conductivity modulate the The n- - drain layer. That now serve as the base of the pnp transistor of the IGBT. So this transistor sums up the merit of the MOS transistor with the merit of the bipolar transistor.It is a bipolar transistor with MOS control gate.
So, the fabrication step i more or less very similar to the power MOST except the P+ collector which is now the substrate, and the n_ drift region is produced by epitaxy.
The short channel is achieved by the self alignment source and channel, which are produced by double diffusion boron and phosphorus. The difference in the diffusion depth of the two layers makes out the the p+-channel which i controlled by lithography patterned gate.
For more information please see the link:http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-06192001-162155/unrestricted/thesis.pdf
Yes the channel length has a great impact on the electrical characteristics of the transistor. According to the operating theory of the transistor The current flowing in the channel is proportional to the channel width w and inversely proportional to the channel length L that is I ~ W/L. So, one has to make L as small as possible and make W sufficiently large to set the the operating current of the transistor.Here, one exploits the double diffusion of boron and phosphorus as i said before to obtain a very small channel length in the submicrometer range.