I have found the Farsi/Dari version of the HTQ and currently I am using it with my project. I have some inquiries to ask from the person who has translated HTQ to Farsi/Dari.
A Farsi translation was used in the folllowing study, which indicates author information below.Annette A.M. Gerritsen . Inge Bramsen . Walter Devillé . Loes H.M. van Willigen . Johannes E. Hovens . Henk M. van der Ploeg
Physical and mental health of Afghan, Iranian and Somali
asylum seekers and refugees living in the Netherlands :
The paper is available on ResearchGate at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Annette_Gerritsen/publication/7427648_Physical_and_mental_health_of_Afghan_Iranian_and_Somali_asylum_seekers_and_refugees_living_in_the_Netherlands/links/09e4150a1d21ca1510000000.pdf