
We are running and validating some interactions of proteins via running them over a size exclusion column. We want to switch to a smaller one in order to save protein. Currently, we have a Superdex 200 16/600 pg, but it just uses up too much of our samples.

Are there any recommendations/experiences/suggestions what small SECs to use for an FPLC system (we use the NGC system from Bio-Rad). Would we run into any problems?

Just the delay volume on the NGC is 1/3 of my small SEC if I would use like a 2.4ml SEC (Superdex 75 Increase 3.2/300) or a 3ml one (Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL).

And what about the resolution? Does loading 50 ul on this big system with such a small SEC column influence my resolution of my protein/complex?

Additionally, I am not sure about the fractionation size and how accurate the bigger systems (FPLC) are concerning fractionation: Lets assume I use an 2.4ml SEC and fractionate 25ul fractions into a 96-well plate. I'm afraid the FPLC is not capable of doing so?

For now, I will test such a small column on a HPLC which is well suited for such low volumes of sample AND column. But we need to use a facility for the HPLC and would like to get a small SEC going on our own FPLC system. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance!


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