Project Title: The war is over, now is time to recover: Diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) in Syrian school-age children.
Project Summary:
Maltepe District Governorate has conducted a feasibility study to identify demographics and distribution of Syrian school-age children at the outset.The number of Syrian children was ascertained through the self-report data stored in address-based-registration-system. On these records,354 children living in 183 households were found to be of compulsory school-age. However, actual school-enrolment rate for these children remained at only 28 percent.
This project is premised on the assumption that educational initiatives for refugee children are doomed to failure unless the children's traumatic experiences and psychological resilience are initially cared for. In this sense, "Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing" (EMDR) is the one of the most powerful therapy techniques to challenge these issues and, hence, recommended by the World Health Organization.The proposed project addresses 2 objectives and 4 outputs:
Objective-1) For the diagnosis of PTSD, symptomps of such traumatic experiences was observed through family interviews and surveys undertaken with children.
Output-1: 183 Syrian families were interviewed about children's PTSD symptoms.
Output-2: 354 Syrian children were screened for PTSD and psychological resilience levels.
Objective-2) For the treatment of PTSD, children's psychological resilience was improved by a series of EMDR intervention.
Output-3: 5 psychological counsellors were trained as EMDR therapists.
Output-4: 180 Syrian children with PTSD symptoms were treated by EMDR therapy.
To that end, four sets of activity were carried out such as information, screening, training and treatment activities, corresponding respectively to each output.
The project summary presented above is part of a grant application, which has recently been submitted to the bid call of British Embassy Fund (BEF). As per the announcement in British Embassy website, results will have been declared in early April. If these appeal to you, further implications for educational gains in the counselled children also merit a special attention. To introduce myself, though being a little bit late :), it is me the director general of the Foreign Affairs and European Union Project Office in Maltepe District Governorate.