To reduce the internal resistance of MECs/MFCs you have different options, both structural and non-structural: 1. decrease the distance between the anode and the cathode; 2. increase the surface of the electrodes available for biofilm growth; 3. eventually change the electrodes material to more conductive ones (and with higher specific surface); 4. increase the surface of the ionic exchange membrane (if present); 5. apply a MPPT system to follow the internal resistance (see attached publication).
To reduce the external resistance is only a mechanical operation. You need to select a lower resistance and apply it to the MFC/MEC system. In order to achieve the maximum electrical power production, you need to select an external resistance near the internal resistance of the system (see attached publication).
Article Reducing start-up time and minimizing energy losses of Micro...
To reduce the internal resistance of MECs/MFCs you have different options, both structural and non-structural: 1. decrease the distance between the anode and the cathode; 2. increase the surface of the electrodes available for biofilm growth; 3. eventually change the electrodes material to more conductive ones (and with higher specific surface); 4. increase the surface of the ionic exchange membrane (if present); 5. apply a MPPT system to follow the internal resistance (see attached publication).
To reduce the external resistance is only a mechanical operation. You need to select a lower resistance and apply it to the MFC/MEC system. In order to achieve the maximum electrical power production, you need to select an external resistance near the internal resistance of the system (see attached publication).
Article Reducing start-up time and minimizing energy losses of Micro...
In any MECs/MFCs there are 4 main resistance Rs Rct Rc and W
If the material is highly conductive and graphatic then all the resistance will be less. Particularly Rct depends on cathode and if it is able to reduce O2 easily then Rct will be less