Hi there, I want to know if there is a function in Igor Pro by which I can normalise the spectra to unity for instance. Otherwise, I am able to do this in excel which gives also a nice output. thanks in advance.
Also, you can go to Analysis > Packages > Wave Arithmetic, and select Normalize/Background. You can use 2 cursors, A and B, and first subtract a background and then normalize to those cursor points. This is a bit crude though, since it involves you placing cursors.
Are you wanting to normalize by height or normalize by area? I get the impression that you are wanting the latter for display purposes. The former is useful for analysis of relative amounts.
BTW, rather than normalize the spectra, since you are working in Igor Pro, the better option may be just to remove the axis' tick marks on the ordinate and plot the spectrum with a label "Intensity [counts / s]" or "Intensity [Arbitrary Units]". Scale the ordinate using "nice (rounded)" values or set your own axis scale.