Dimensionless complex Minkowski coordinates u are given as: u=t+i*(x,y,z);
The Minkowski coordinates in legth units are given as:
R is a very large length, T0 is an arbitrary time unit, c is the speed of light, i is the imaginary unit.
The transformation to a quaternion q is given as: q=exp(u) with
q=exp(t)*exp(i*(x,y,z)) and
The inverse transformation is then u=ln(q).
Most mathematical implementations are described in
"Quaternions and Hilbert spaces" By J.A.J. van Leunen http://vixra.org/pdf/1411.0178v6.pdf
The most important physical implication is a finite universe with size R.
The "new cosmology" then evaluates all other physical implementations, beginning with the Maxwell equations in quaternionic notation.