Currently there are many journals that are not either Scopus or SCI- sciE . The current environment doesn't encourage submission to other journals as the impact factor became like Taboo.
There is no tool to measure the quality of research that is perfect. So, we need to make decisions regarding to what we are willing to tolerate. For example there is research that concluded that the coverage of ISI citation Indexes coverage of Latin American Journals is very low and the Spanish Language is not well represented. That said there are tools bias toward coverage of English language and the mainstream thought . For this I mean that no matter how good the research might be, if it is not relevant to the "mainstream" (developed world) it would not be published. For example, research on diseases of the tropic are of little importance to countries with cold weather, for these reasons countries need to support research to study problems that impinge on their own survival & development
I think new alternatives are opening up to balance the too much domination so far of current tools. These are open source repositories, open source journals which comes in many flavors; but above all there is an awakening on the public about these issues and new tools for measuring quality and citation counts will certainly emerged.