The highest grade silver deposits probably come from Cobalt Ontario. This link provides an interesting hypothesis arguing that liberation of methane related to earthquakes possibly even those associated with the intrusion of sills and related faults may have driven the odd vein and very rich 5 element mineral assemblage.
Five-Element Veins: A Little-Understood Silver & Cobalt Source | Geology for Investors
Natural fracking and the genesis of five-element veins | Mineralium Deposita (
Otherwise, the Potosi mine and the Comstock lode are good examples for high grade silver. Mostly silver seems to come as a byproduct of mining other things...lead, porphyry coppers etc. but they are not "rich" like at Cobalt or the few other look alike systems in the world. Silver is an underpriced commodity and has not triggered the kind of genetic work that copper has. My guess is that you might find interesting and high grade occurrences that either nobody recognizes or cares about.
A review of silver-rich mineral deposits and their metallogeny (