Hi! using simulation can be helpful to certain extent. But it should be paired with practical hands on for more effective learning and understanding especially in this context. Thanks.
@buthayna hasan Eulouti I think maybe it can be helpful but it can't be replace the physical design. Because in physical education student need to be learn in real experience not just with the virtual.
At the Architectural Engineering Program-Canadian International College (CIC), we asked ourselves the same question in the "Spring" semester of 2020, and we came up with a plan to manage "Architectural Design" studios. The instructors asked students to deliver their sketches in from PDF files, and then with the help of "ZOOM Meeting" platform and our drawing tablets, we were able to manage it easily, and the students loved the experiment. The virtual studios have many positive sides, such as giving the students more time to work on their sketches as there will be no need for printing, which in turn helped then to save a huge amount of money. Also, students were able to record and retrieve the instructors' comments at any time, which helped to enhance their final product. The instructors also founded it useful for tracking the progress of each student. If there any drawbacks, it will be all related to technical issues. For example, "Goole Meet" is more friendly to use, but it does not have screen annotation as Zoom Meeting, and of course, when the internet is down, the whole process fails; however, I think that virtual studios will take place sooner or later.