we like to have your contribution in the special issue of "Climate". Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any extra-information... We wait your submission! Best regards. Alessandro Pezzoli
we like to have your contribution in the special issue of "Climate". Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any extra-information... We wait your submission! Best regards. Alessandro Pezzoli
we like to have your contribution in the special issue of "Climate". Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any extra-information... We wait your submission! Best regards. Alessandro Pezzoli
Dear Dr.Alessandro Pezzoli, though I am a Social Scientist, I would explore the possibility in consultation with my colleagues regarding contributing to this special issue.
you and your colleagues are welcome in this special issue. Our idea is to merge the different knowledge (climatology, meteorology, atmospheric physic, medicine, social science, etc...) in a “multidisciplinary view”. I hope that you will arrive to submit your precious contribution at this special issue! For any extra-information don’t hesitate to contact me…
Yes. You can submit the paper when you prefer from now until 28th February 2014. All the information (included the instructions for Authors) are in the web-page http://www.mdpi.com/journal/climate/special_issues/climate_%20impacts_health
thanks a lot for your answer. I hope that you and your colleagues can contribute a the special issue. If you need any extra-information, don't hesitate to contact me...
absolutely. You can participate a the issue and I wait, impatiently, your contribution! We will can debate personally in Portugal… Thanks a lot to help me to review the papers for the Portugal's Congress!!!
I wanted to consult with you for my research is on nutrition and climate change, how changes in marine species and more frequent enso events are affecting a population of small scale fishermen in Indonesia. I was wondering whether that would be suited for your announcement. Thank you so much foryour time and attention! Best wishes,
thank you for your kind reponse. We like to participate with a contribution on the quantification of climate change heat impacts in urban environments and the potential effects on the inhabitants