The EEA has just published this report on citizen science that may be of interest, it contains a list and a full description of different projects involving citizen as sensors and VGI data collection
Point of interest (POI), street nodes, geolocations of tweets, and user check-ins all can be used for point pattern analysis.
Jiang B. and Jia T. (2011), Zipf's law for all the natural cities in the United States: a geospatial perspective, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25(8), 1269-1281.
Jiang B. (2015), Head/tail breaks for visualization of city structure and dynamics, Cities, 43, 69-77.
Jiang B. and Miao Y. (2014), The evolution of natural cities from the perspective of location-based social media, The Professional Geographer, xx(xx), xx-xx, DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2014.968886, Preprint: