Dear All

I am nearly finished my book on the dangerous fishes of the east and southern Arabian Peninsula.

For this book, I need to put images for the species dealt with in the book. The total number of fish species mentioned in the book is 134. I managed to get 85 images and I need to get the remaining 49 images.

The book will be published by an international publishing house.

I would be much grateful for anyone has images for any of the species mentioned in the following list and would like to send to me to include it in my book. All images will acknowledged.

Images from the fish markets, landing sites and studio are all welcome.

List of fish species/ images required

1. Stegostoma fasciatum

2. Nebrius ferrugineus

3. Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides 

4. Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos

5. Carcharhinus galapagensis

6. Eusphyra blochii

7. Heterodontus omanensis 

8. Heterodontus ramalheira 

9. Anoxypristis cuspidata 

10. Pristis pectinata 

11. Pristis zijsron  

12. Gymnothorax flavoculus 

13. Gymnothorax griseus 

14. Gymnothorax herrei  

15. Gymnothorax megaspilus 

16. Gymnothorax phasmatodes

17. Myrichthys colubrinus

18. Sphyraena acutipinnis

19. Sphyraena flavicauda  

20. Sphyraena qenie

21. Canthidermis macrolepis 

22. Melichthys indicus  

23. Rhinecanthus assasi 

24. Eupleurogrammus glossodon 

25. Eupleurogrammus muticus

26. Strongylura strongylura

27. Tylosurus choram

28. Acanthurus leucosternon

29. Acanthurus tennentii  

30. Naso fageni 

31. Heteronarce mollis 

32. Torpedo adenensis 

33. Torpedo marmorata  

34. Torpedo panthera 

35. Torpedo sinuspersici 

36. Anodontostoma chacunda 

37. Dussumieria acuta  

38. Thryssa hamiltonii 

39. Ruvettus pretiosus 

40. Cyclichthys orbicularis

41. Silurus glanis  

42. Colletteichthys dussumieri 

43. Bifax lacinia  

44. Pardachirus marmoratus

45. Himantura imbricata 

46. Himantura jenkinsii 

47. Aetobatus ocellatus

48. Netuma thalassina 

49. Scorpaenodes evides 



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