Dear colleagues,
I am interested in conducting research on the "approaches to learning" (SAL, Students' Approaches to Learning, Biggs, Marton, etc.), or "approaches to teaching" (Trigwell, etc.) line of research with international partners, or maybe participating in a project already underway. So far I have analysed the approaches to teaching of secondary education trainee teachers in my home country (Spain), but would like to broaden my horizons. Would anyone be interested in a possible collaboration?
I believe there are few longitudinal studies of SRL and SAL. Thus, I believe that a longitudinal study conducted simultaneously in several countries with different cultures and different educational levels, could contribute to the expansion of knowledge in this area. What do you think about this?
Hola Fuensanta, a mi eso me interesa! :)
It's an interesting subject to study. We can discuss much more on it if you want.
if you sent questionnaire and objectives of study, in our place also can try to get data
it may help us to understand continental differences associations of learning / teaching
If I could be of any help my teaching commitments are within the Nursing Department at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Malta.
yes, some of friends are there in department of nursing, Approaches to teaching and learning is concerned with pedagogy
Dear Fuensanta, I have been a tutor and now doing my PhD in project management, but my intention to well manage education process and boost up learning. I would be thankful if you may please share the ideas and discuss on your topic/ literature reviews/ results/ data collection. It would be my pleasure to assist the study and share best of my little knowledge. My email for frequent contact :
Hello. That is an interesting field of study - I would be interested in participation in some international project. Do you have any idea what would you like to research? Can you give more details?
We have a large team here in the US that is very involved in Learning to Learn Camps for 20 years - I am attaching a concept map of the process - paper is being developed right now in development to articulate how learning to learn and self-growth works and the level of transformation that is possible in just 5 days.
Hello, it will be no know the aims of the study, and how Christine said if you're going to replay Trigwell & Prosser's questionary of approaching to teaching, in my case I'm working something similar but in higher education. Best, Diego
Interested in identifying and assessing innovative approaches to training teachers - connected with the GeoCapabilities project
Dear Fuensanta
i'am interessed, above all if i can write in italian.
Yes, we have a post-degree elementary Bachelor of Education programme, which is quite unique in it's approach. What do you have in mind?
I am interested in conducting research in this area, I am a teacher at University of Ecuador.
I am a teacher of Psichology, if you are interested Im in, to calaborate, the research could be intersting and intercultural.
I am also interested in this research both of teaching and learning. Just pose your questions specifically on either two areas and my response will help in one way or the other in enhancing your research. Thanks
I am interested in learning and pedagogy. However, from an ecological perspective.
Yes, I am in for collaboration work from a South African, perspective, I suggest we first start with Approaches to teaching and the SAL
Yes I am interested. I have done some works on multiple intelligences teaching approach in drug education
I am interested but do not directly do teacher training in any "normal" college.
Dear Ms. Monroy
Thank you for the request for a possible collaboration regarding the the issues of 'strategies for learning' or/and 'approaches for teaching'. Yes, I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the possibility of a joining your paper regarding either of your topics (or both areas in separate papers?). I am currently in the final stages of my PhD investigating, amongst others, something very similar to your topic areas, so believe there is something we can add to each other's works.
Lo mismo en la enseñanza que en el aprendizaje es importante un trabajo serio y continuado. Es la única forma de que lo mismo la enseñanza que el aprendizaje tengan éxito, lo de que se puede aprender jugando no lo comparto.
Si que se puede disfrutar aprendiendo pero cuando ya se saben lo elemental y estás ampliando, aprender la letras y a prender a leer en cualquier materia es duro.
En los dos casos es importante conseguir que los estudiantes escriban, hagan esquemas pero a mano. Al mover a mano actúa sobre el cerebro.
La ayuda de todos los instrumentos electrónicos es buenísima como fuente de información, pero cortar y pegar no sirve demasiado para aprender. Un buen esquema hecho con lápiz y papel es mucho mejor.
Dear Fuentsanta,
well this sound interesting.
can you share the details of the project?
Yes, I am. I did an action research project concerning reflective and autonomous learning and generally I am interested in a proces of shaping a new learning and teaching cultures in HE, in the context of cultural, political, social changes we observe as a consequence of spreading neoliberał ideology. Regards, Elzbieta
Thank you for offering. Yes I would be interested. I would love to hear the direction you would want to go.
I am currently involved in a project in South Africa researching flexible learning and teaching in higher education and would be very interested in collaborating. Could you tell me a bit more about what you are doing to see if there are synergies?
I have some data about teacher evaluation in secondary education in Romania, if it can help. Also, i know that proffesor Francisco Alvira from Complutense MAdrid (Centro Superior de Estudios de Gestion) has a report about evaluation in secondary education. You can contact him at : [email protected].
We can discuss together about the teaching approaches practised in Algerian schools soince I used to teach at middle schools as a teacher of English as a foreign language for 20 years.
Happy to have a discussion on this if we were to write and publish something !
Hello Dear Dr. Fuensanta Monroy,
This is a good approach to have international collaboration for improvement of teaching approach.
I published dozen of papers on mobile learning to improve the pedagogical activities, and you can find in my profile. In addition, I developed big application to support the learning process, and course contents can be accessed through mobile. You can check it that can be of your interest.
If you have any particular idea and plan then, I will happy to collaborate with you.
I am interested. I will be starting my dissertation next year. I am still thinking about the direction I am going, but I know it will include global learning or teaching and science.
Thanks Fuensanta Monroy for asking this question. I got helpful website through Abdul's answer.
Hi everybody, I have no experience in research but would be interested in paticipating. I teach in physiotherapy at Laval university in Quebec city. Best regards!
I am in Botswana and teach a course known as Learning, teaching, and assessment and would love to be your research partner. In my country I teach students from very none conducive learning environments who persevere to perform well despite their challenges. it would e interesting to establish what motivates them. Count me in. Thank you
I do research how teaching styles and learning appraoches in mid-career master programs in Public Administration in the Netherlands can be matched to create more reflexive students. Your research question is in line with this and maybe a joint project may be an nice option.
hello, MS monroy yes I am interested in this cooperation. I am currently working on an approach to teaching composition. I'm happy if I can assist.
wishing to see you soon
Greetings, sounds like many are interested in your call. For the past decade my research community has been studying how transformative teaching & learning communities form, how to intentionally shape them, and, how to nurture intentional collaborative approaches among teachers and schools around a process we developed called the Inquiry into My Practice (IMP).
Dear Mr. Cordova,
Thanks. That is quite interesting. Getting to know just a change of one word from 'but' to 'and' makes such a a lot difference as experienced by the group of teachers. The 3 E terms (1) Explore (2) Envision (3) Enact deliver a positive outcome to teaching and learning both to students and teachers in the process of human development.
Carmen Camilleri
I've similar interest, but related to basic education. In terms of experience, mine is not so large. If you want, we can discuss in more details...
Greetings of the season.
I am interested in collaborative research on collaborative approaches in of teacher education with special reference to Pakistan.
Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad
I too am interested in collaborating in this research project - I am already part of a European project looking at teacher resilience . I work in a teacher education college so this is very much in my field.
Count me in!
Dr Margaret O' Donnell
Dear colleagues,
Thank you for your messages. From the comments I´ve read, I think there´s been some confusion. I was not asking for help, but in fact wished to find out about an existing project underway and/or anyone fully familiar with the SAL and "Teachers´ Approaches to Teaching" tradition who would like to work collaboratively. Thank you for your understanding.
Olá colega
O grupo de investigação GUIA (Grupo Universitário de Investigação em Autorregulação), do qual faço parte, tem muita investigação feita nessas áreas que indicou. Por favor consulte o site:
... e caso esteja de acordo contacte-me ou pode responder diretamente para o investigador principal, o professor Pedro Rosário.
Obrigado e sempre ao dispor
Abílio Afonso Lourenço
It is an area I am interested in. I can, in particular, bring in the dimension of adult learners, as well as that of those training to become teachers. The latter, in my view, should be of interest, as it should show if there are convergences between approaches to teaching and approaches to learning
Nosso grupo de pesquisa tem interesse na temática, especialmente no ensino médio. Temos relacionado a temática com a autorregulação da aprendizagem. Aguardamos por seu contato.
I teach both online and in the traditional classroom setting: I am interested in collaborating on approaches to learning/ teaching.
I have experience in teaching adults, health workers, from the view of the critical pedagogy. I am interested on a colaboration.
I have experience in teaching adults, health workers, from the view of the critical pedagogy. I am interested on a colaboration.
Sure. We could work together looking at it from a South African context.
I am interested in culture and learning style and I like the idea of international collaboration of research. When you say learning and teaching approach, do you have any theories or any specific writers in your mind? Will you identify the teaching methods based on studies or qualitative data?
I find the idea of an international research in this field very important and would like to take part in it. I am sure we will learn from each other an d will complete each other. I belong in this field to german
i belong in this field to german educational system and try to implement it at the university in morocco since 1999, within a different educational policy and teaching system drawed from the policy maker .....
Greetings from Sidi Allal El Bahraoui in Morocco
Certainly we need more details to be sure the research will be interesting for us and we can collaborate with it. I have experience teaching adults by professional education and education for the health care.
Olá colega
O nosso grupo de investigação trabalha exatamente com esses construtos e diversas variáveis. Visite:
Abílio Lourenço
Hi Sarah,
In the Research Gate have a lot of research about variables that influence academic success. Please demand RG to Abilio Afonso Lourenço.
Thank you and good research
What would be the approach? Do you have an organization? an outline? or a proposal? Thank you for your question.
I'm Fina Guitart. I work as associated professor at the University of Barcelona (in the department of Science Education), but my main ocupation is as teacher of chemistry and physics at secondary school and currently I work in a innovation and research center of the Department of Education of Catalonia.
If you explain a litle beat more about the learning / teaching approches you are interested for a international project, we can keep in touch. I'm currently in a international project about the use of MBL (data logging) in guided inquiry aproches.
Dear Fuensanta Monroy,
I am very interested in establishing partnership in different countries, specially regarding approaches to learning or teaching methods. I work at the federal university of uberlandia in brazil, in a special unit that is a training school. The propose of this training school inside the university is exactly to do research and try new methods towards a better schooling process. If you want we can pursue with the conversation, my email is [email protected] . We are now initiating an partnership with Finland so, there is a lot of interest in doing collaboration work.
best regards
Juliene Madureira Ferreira
Hello esteemed colleagues, it reads to me that each of us is working with different age groups in different locations. Since culture impact learning style, do we want to identify a few areas of research to begin with? Just a thought.
Hi Ms Monroy. Greetings from the Philippines. Yes, am interested. please email me details at [email protected]
Dear Ms Monroy. I am currently teaching at the University of applied sciences in Geneva Switzerland and doing a professional doctorat at the University of Liverpool in Higher Education. One of my interest areas are teaching and learning designs. I would be very much interested in this collaboration and would love to hear more about your project and approach. You can e-mail me at [email protected]
I am interested in the collaboration and please email me further details at [email protected]
Dear Dr. Fuensanta Monroy,
I am very interested in conducting research on the "approaches to learning" or "approaches to teaching" line of research with international partners.
I am interested in teaching and learning dance in colloboration.
please email me with further details : [email protected]
I have considerable experience in teaching and research in the areas of 'approaches to learning' and 'approaches to teaching'. Recently, I completed a research work on 'Instructional Software Package Method (ISPM) of Teaching. It is a relatively new concept in pedagogy. The idea of international collaboration in research is very welcome. Besides promoting international understanding, it will help in generating further knowledge in the quest to create a better society for all mankind. I am interested in collaborating with researchers who come up with good research proposals.
Hello Eugene, Your research on Instructional Software package Method (ISPM) sounds interesting. Did you conduct an action plan research? What specific subject or occasion that you apply this method? What is the outcome? Thank you for sharing.
Dear Dr Monroy,
I would be very interested in a collaboration. Please feel free to contact me so we can take this forward.
Best wishes,
I would love to I am From Costa Rica. I am working with prospective teachers.
R. Espinoza
Hello Ms. Monroy; I am interested in teacher and student beliefs (mostly math-oriented) which are related to the approaches to teaching and learning as far as I have searched. So, it is a nice opportunity to work with the colleagues from other countries. I will be glad if you give more specific details about your idea as most of the colleagues have already mentioned previously.
I'm also interested in cooperation in that field of study! My thesis was conducted using Noel Entwistle's ineventory (University of Eastern Finland).
I would love to work with the colleagues from diffrent countries. please provide me with details on this e mail [email protected]
Hi there,
I am a secondary Drama teachers as well as studying for an EdD and I would be interested in your research. Please contact me with further details at [email protected].
I have been working on collaborative or participatory teaching as a means to stimulate students interest in learning using university undergraduates in my country, Nigeria. You may refer to my published works. I would be interested in collaboration if you find my area of interest to you.
Dear Esteemed Colleagues, We seemed to have different areas of teaching experience and with the same interest but where do we start?
I believe there are few longitudinal studies of SRL and SAL. Thus, I believe that a longitudinal study conducted simultaneously in several countries with different cultures and different educational levels, could contribute to the expansion of knowledge in this area. What do you think about this?
You idea is good. I am not sure everyone has a longitudinal study. We need to have a theme, an organization, and use similar methodology, what do we really want to find out? what is the implication? Will some one take charge?
I am very interested in your project. I am a Syrian citizen residing currently in KSA. I have 15 years of teaching experience and am an EdD TESOL student now. I have taught intermediate, secondary and university students. Count me in!
I may be interested in some approaches applied in the Algerian educational system as far as EF Learning and Teaching are concerned. This went with my 20 years teaching experience at middle schools.
I suggest a possibility for a possible collaboration: longitudinal research with high school students and their teachers, to identify, respectively, "approaches to learning" and "approaches to teaching" and its evolution during schoolarization, using any of several existing quantitative instruments, duly adapted to different languages, for making appropriate comparisons between countries. Another possibility would be to include the identification of the evolution of understanding and / or clarification of concepts in some area of knowledge (biology, math, reading or writing in native language, etc.), by the students, using the SOLO taxonomy to verify the relationship with "approaches to learning" throughout the school career. Of course there are other ways. I await suggestions.
Since my long teaching period of more tan 20 years at middle schools, I am now always researching and my field of interest is teaching - learning approaches.
Dear Fuensanta:
I'm working at Catholic University of Valencia, Spain. I may be interested in working together. Do not hesitate to contact me.
Dear Fuensanta,
We are looking at "the two sides of the coin" when dealing with the relationship of teaching and learning. Might interest you,.
Would be definitely the light of my research experience in the teaching of physics as well as IT-based development.
DR Ananthakrishnan, Mumbai, India
I like the idea of cross-cultural study. There are so many studies on issues with teaching and learning. It will help to know more details as to what specific method? criteria? teaching approach? teaching strategies? attitude? policy? competence? training? and more. Any thoughts?
Hola Fuensanta, dá una mirada en
Boa Páscoa!
Abílio Lourenço
Great Day!
I have same opinion with Prof. Dr. Michael Schratz.
Both of Teaching and Learning are two sides of Education.
The community of Process Educators have been involved in doing this for 25 years - Here is the special edition of IJPE that shares 25 years of scholarship with a strong focus on Learning to Learn, Self-growth, and creating growth environments that produce the transformational learning experiences that create stronger learners and individuals who can self-assess to facilitate their own self-growth. This community welcomes all researchers who want to increase the engagement and effectiveness of learning and the facilitation of learning and growth.
Hello, Fuensanta!
What are your expectations from the collaborators -in other words, what kind of collaboration you seek?
Thank you!
Hello, Fuensanta!
What are your expectations from the collaborators -in other words, what kind of collaboration you seek?
Thank you!
Dear\ Fuensanta Monroy
pls read this article :-
Article Approaches to studying predict academic performance in under...
Good luck