My name is Maria Rousou, I am a biologist working at MER Lab Ltd in Cyprus (
I would like to ask for your guidance and advices regarding the open-sea aquaculture annual emissions estimation in coastal water.
According to the Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register and amending Council Directives 91/689/EEC and 96/61/EC” (the ‘E-PRTR Regulation’), fish farms with production capacity of more than 1000 tonnes of fish or shellfish per year need to submit to the National authorities their annual TN, TP and TOC releases in sea water.
The E-PRTR guidelines and references cited within, state that the annual TP and TN emissions can be estimated by using the mathematical formula
L = 0,01 x (ICi - PCf)
L : phosphorus (P) or nitrogen (N) discharge to water body (tonnes/year)
I : feed used (tonnes/year)
Ci : P or N content in feed (%)
P : production (tonnes/year)
Cf : P or N content in produced organisms (%)
For the TOC determination (as Total C or COD/3), the guidelines state to carry out water analysis following ISO 1484:1997.
However, no further information is provided on how frequently the samplings should be and how to use these snap-shot data to determine the TOC annual emissions in sea water. Using the mathematical equation stated above without validation could lead to over or underestimation of emissions.
Do you have any guidelines/advises on possible ways to determine fish-farm TOC annual emissions releases in seawater?
Please keep in mind that the regulation requests that the estimations must be done at lowest costs.