The epistemological and irrefutable change of the paradigm in Medicine and medical science and the new interactionist and teleonomic concept of health, changed the scenario of medical education, clinical practice and health governance. In our University formally from 1998, but not formally before, we introduced rigorous quality procedures for educating physicians and clinical teachers to Person Centered medicine which changes clinical method integrating the old one, which is, in a wrong way, problem centered on only biological variables: to date a great epistemological error. We launched also a PCM International Academy, and a program for spreading our procedures which resulted reliable and valid and for preparing PhD and clinical teachers.

At the same time researchers in medical education, are in trouble because they are linked to obsolete clinical assessment methods If they are not physicians make a great difficulty to understand new methodological languages. To date Medicine is risking developing its teaching and practice methods on obsolete physiological concepts, thanks to a spread epistemological ignorance of basic science teachers - eg they don't know the Allostasis revolution in physiology which is not known by almost all physicians and clinical teachers or the Relativity theory of biological reaction, fundament of PCM- confirming to date a wrong deterministic and mechanic approach to medical science and human nature that make far humans by their true nature, reinforcing a wrong and amoral dominant only bio-technological paradigm-well seen by the stock market- and the imperialist ingenuous empirical, superficial, pseudo epistemological approach called "evidence based medicine".

Like is happened in physics at beginning of the last century, with the birth of quantum physics, our experience depicts the necessity of a power operation, because physicians, who could receive from the adoption of Person centered clinical method, great benefits, as we showed, In difficult way accept innovations and the drug stock market has no interest to promote a change, which gives to persons more autonomy and less necessity of medicines. But the transition to Person centered Medicine is an obliged way if we want build medicine on the truth and not on pragmatic or amatorial trials of beginners in Person centered Medicine, or , its new plagiaristic superficial surrogates like " Personalized medicine", or " Skil person medicine" and on folk and ignorant people who want reduce Person Centered Medicine to a “non Conventional medicine”, like acupuncture, with approaches plagiarized from Internet !

We need people, for orienting to PCM Health Governance" and Medical Education, research and teaching PCM all over the world-,to date pioneers yet- humble for learning, brave for research, with a psycho-affective maturity and linked to the Hippocratic oath, for teaching basic sciences , clinics and research oriented to this epochal change of the human nature epistemology and to intoduce in their work and life the new concepts of Person Centered Medicine and Health not pseudo-health merchants and/or promoters of pseudo-truth adaptative conceptions of human nature , sold to the best power which has money and roles, surrogates of humanity.

Is it ignorance,"ignavia" or will of evil ?

Essential References

Brera G:R The Manifesto of Person Centered Medicine Medicine, Mind and Adolescence. 1999.XIV,1-2 :7-11 on line

Brera G.R. Brera G.R. La medicina centrata sulla persona e la formazione dei medici nel terzo millennio. Con l’introduzione di Iosef Seifert : I sette scopi della medicina

"Person Centered Medicine and Medical Education in third Millennium with the introduction of Iosef Seifert . The seven aims of Medicine it.) Pisa:IEPI-Università Ambrosiana; 2001

Brera G.R. Epistemology and medical science: change of the paradigm. in G.R. Brera-Claudio Violato Ed . Proceedings from the Conference:”Return to Hippocrates: Quality and Quantity in Medical Education:Milano : Università Ambrosiana : 2005

Brera.G.R. Person Centered Medicine:theory, teaching research. International Journal of Person Centered. Medicine. ;1:69-79

History of Person Centered Medicine

Brera GR Perspectives of Person Centered Medicine teaching in Italy -“Person Centered Medicine and Medical Education.” May 4 2011 (invited presentation in WHO)

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