Generally weightage to research articles is given based on impact factor of the journal where research article has been published? How the weightage of a book chapter is consider by the recruitment committee?
I think a number of factors can be taken into consideration. The reputation of the publisher is of prime importance. Many book chapters in proceedings of seminars are poorly edited without even showing those changes to the contributors. Sometimes instead of improvement the quality deteriotes. Recently I have seen that one such editor is persistently requesting the contributors to buy those books.
If the quality of the book is good I feel that book chapters should also be given equal weightage like good papers published in journals.
I think a number of factors can be taken into consideration. The reputation of the publisher is of prime importance. Many book chapters in proceedings of seminars are poorly edited without even showing those changes to the contributors. Sometimes instead of improvement the quality deteriotes. Recently I have seen that one such editor is persistently requesting the contributors to buy those books.
If the quality of the book is good I feel that book chapters should also be given equal weightage like good papers published in journals.
Certainly a book chapter is also considered during recruitment or promotional cases. If it is included in good publication house book then it's weightage increases further.
In my view, Journal articles have more weightage compared to book chapters for the following reasons
(1) Book chapters will not go through the regular rigorous plagiarism check to that of journal articles even with leading publishers.
(2) Book chapters are not original works by the contributing authors (In some cases it may differ). It is more or less a compilation of many other works similar to review papers on a specific topic. The critical analysis in a book chapter is not rigorous to that of a review paper.
(3) A contract is usually executed between the publisher and the contributing authors at the time of choosing authors for a proposed book by an editor and publication manager. The likelihood of rejecting a poor chapter after the peer review is remote and difficult due to practical considerations.
(4) Book chapters do not generate original or new knowledge but adopts or derives the knowledge from different sources in particular from journal publications.
(5) Visibility and reach of book chapters to international community is less compared to journal articles in reputed publications. Many universities do not include books in their subscription list in spite of subscribing all the journals from the same publisher.
III (B)BOOKS AND CHAPTER IN BOOKS i.Text/Reference Books published by an International Publisher with with ISBN/ISSN number Single Author 30 First or Corresponding Author/Supervisor/Mentor 21 Coauthor 9 ii.Subject Books Published by National level Publisher/State with ISBN/ISSN Number Single Author 20 First or Corresponding Author/Supervisor/Mentor 14 Coauthor 6 iii.Subject Books, published by Other local publishers, with ISBN/ISSN number Single Author 15 First or Corresponding Author/Supervisor/Mentor 10.5 Coauthor 4.5 iv.Chapters in Books, published by National and International level publishers with ISBN/ISSN Single Author(International) 10 First or Corresponding Author/Supervisor/Mentor(International) 7 Coauthor (International) 3 Single Author(National) 5 First or Corresponding Author/Supervisor/Mentor(National) 3.5 Coauthor (National) 1.5 Total Score of Books/Chapter in Books : III (B)
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page 27 and 28.
Know days UGC resolve this rule of API Score only university level credit score used.