Generally, most of the research papers talk about the performances of a Li-ion half cell, coin cell or pouch cell. Do those performances are comparable with other shapes (cylindrical, prismatic) of lithium ion cell of same chemistry?
For research purposes, a coin cell is used because its results are highly repeatable. But what we have seen in all types of cells is that the cycle life of the pouch, prismatic and cylindrical cells is better than the coin cell because they do not use lithium metal. By observing the appropriate potential range, dendritic growth of lithium can be avoided, thus preventing short-circuiting in the pouch, prismatic and cylindrical cells. However, the capacity of a coin cell is slightly higher than other cell shapes.
On the other hand, the pouch cell can be easily assembled. But because of the flexibility of the body, this cell needs more protection when moving, and the smallest pressure on the body can change its performance.