09 March 2018 4 677 Report

I am a social scientist (more accurately a criminologist) who works in the United States.

A couple of years ago, I submitted my manuscript to a journal in Europe for a possible publication. The journal editor replied that his journal does not take a manuscript with advanced statistical analysis. The editor recommended me to submit the same manuscript to a journal in the United States. By the way, the journal in Europe to which I submitted is a pretty decent one.

My question is:

Is it true that social scientists in Europe, in general, less inclined to statistical methods than their counterparts in the United States? Instead, do European social scientists more rely on theoretical and qualitative research methodology in comparison with American counterparts. The answer may be dependent upon a specific discipline in social science and also upon an individual social scientist's preference: but, I am asking about the difference in general research trend and tradition between Europe and the US.

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