This proposal does look worthy of further investigation, however I felt in the conclusion that while the benefits are discussed there are other issues that perhaps should be looked at. Biomass production by its nature is a monoculture with all that entails for the natural environment. Perhaps a discussion on the way in which a crop such as this could be integrated into the national infrastructure plan would not only help it to succeed, but also ensure that it does not result in large swathes of the nation disappearing under bamboo. By fragmenting it throughout the country, it is made accessible to rural businesses, cuts transport costs and supports biodiversity. Having traveled in Malaysia, I can say from experience that Palm oil plantations are a scourge, due in part to multinationals controlling their growth and a lack of cohesive national planning in their locations. So yes, bamboo can be a great way to support energy needs, but consider also the wider costs before you discover that its runaway success comes at too high a cost.

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