Stagliano and Sillup (2014) conducted a case study centered on assessing the impact of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) cybercrime disclosure guidance on reporting corporations.  By which, they questioned the largest publicly held firms in the United States pharmaceutical industry.  From a financial perspective, the researchers’ total questioned corporations held 96.1% of 2011 reported industry assets and received 96.9% of 2011 industry revenues.  Resultantly, the author concluded that little had changed over the previous five years regarding financial disclosure of cybercrime risks by management.  The authors demonstrated United States SEC registrants are prone to ignore or disregard the guidance for additional disclosures in their regulatory filings.


Stagliano, A. J., & Sillup, G. P. (2014). Transparency and risk assessment reporting: A case study sector survey of cybercrime disclosures. Journal of Business and Economics, 5, 1134-1140. doi:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/07.05.2014/017

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