I'm isolating total RNAs, as well as fractions (large and small) using mirVana (Ambion) in order to obtain circRNAs (via RNaseR digestion). I wanted to validate the samples with RT-inversePCR method before further enrichment (to find out if circular forms are already there). I performed RT with random-hexamers and 2,5 ug of total RNA, followed by an inverse PCR with already validated, specific primers. Did not obtain satisfactory results. I previously used RNeasy (Quagen) for this purpose and RT-PCR confirmed the presence of circRNA each time. Switched to mirVana due to highly increased yield. I previously ran RT-PCR on mirVana-extracted material and it went correctly. The only difference between the subsequent manipulation was storage: in first case, the sample was processed (RT was performed) immediately after RNA extraction, in second case the sample was stored in -80 C for three weeks. RNA samples were quality-controlled on each step (Qubit, Implen, denatouring electrophoresis). Each time sample was fine. The bands were sharp, intense, on appropriate height. During the manipulations I have taken all precautions required for working with RNA and ended up with nothing.
Does anyone have similar experience? Can anyone solve the problem?