Please guide me how do i add my paper in scholar if i have published in paid journal. The journal name is IJBPAS (International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences)
The bad news is that the journal “International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences” (IJBPAS) is not indexed in Google Scholar. Not all titles are (automatically) indexed in GS (for various reasons).
The good news is that you can upload your paper here on ResearchGate and after some time it will be shown in GS (just type in GS the title of the journal between “” and you see numerous papers of this journal). To speed things up you might consider uploading your paper in as well.
Having said this I have to say that the journal has some issues:
-Not indexed in Google Scholar
-The indexing info mentions numerous so-called misleading metrics ( ) like GIF, Cosmos impact factor, ISI international Scientific Indexing, these are often used by predatory journals
-The prominently mentioned impact factors on the homepage is misleading since they have no official impact factor (not indexed in the SCIE index from Clarivate which you can check here )
-The mentioning of Web of Science is somewhat misleading since they are ‘only’ mentioned in the Zoological Record (which is nice but has nothing to do with an ESCI or SCIE indexing)
-At the bottom of the homepage it mentions UGC approved. This is misleading since it is nowadays called UGC Care, and I checked they are NOT UGC Care approved (you can check here )
So, not entirely sure whether the journal is predatory, but it is a journal better avoid next time.
Please submit it to a reputable journal like Scopus with strict writing requirements, follow the guidelines and make it according to the template according to the field of science that you are pursuing or the article that you want to publish