The study of social behavior is conducted in an increasingly instrumentalized manner, i.e. with the use of IT analytical instruments. Such instruments supporting the processes of scientific research include, for example, an analysis of sentiment conducted on the Internet, including comments, entries, posts posted on social media - information portals. Then, this information is collected and processed in Big Data database systems. The result of this research in the field of sentiment analysis methodology is the verification of consumer views, citizens' opinions on a given topic.
The above question inspired me to the following considerations:
What can be interesting research in the field of behavioral economics regarding the issue of new online media?
I propose an analysis of changes in behavioral behavior of consumers, business entities and other participants of individual markets, which can be observed on the basis of the analysis of entries, comments, posts, etc. typed by users of social media portals.
These studies are carried out as part of the sentiment analysis on data downloaded from the Internet and collected in Big Data database systems.
What is more interesting is the Business Intelligence type of analysis carried out in business entities using specialized software. The development of analytical platforms operating in the Business Intelligence formula automates and objectivises economic, financial and technical-economic analyzes regarding the functioning of business entities.
The problems of the analysis of information contained on social media portals for marketing purposes are described in the publication:
The issues of the use of information contained in Big Data database systems for the purposes of conducting Business Intelligence analyzes are described in the publications: