It just came to my mind that in China, based on the literature I've read, there is information that ancient Chinese people in the Song dynasty in 1054 AD provided evidence that they saw the Crab Nebula supernova explosion, which was recorded in their documents.

Based on this, did the ancient people of Indonesia also see the same Crab Nebula supernova explosion in 1054 AD? Given the presence of the Crab Nebula in the Taurus constellation and close to the Celestial Meridian line. Then, is there any evidence in ancient inscriptions or manuscripts around 1054 AD in Indonesia that mention this supernova event?

If you have some references related to data sources either inscriptions or ancient manuscripts in Indonesia, I kindly ask you to share them with me, as I am interested in researching this further.

Thank you.

Best Regards, Nabila

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