I will have a look at your paper (I believe in the use of Clifford algebra more generally). I have proven the basic axioms of Quantum Mechanics from general hypothesis (see my paper).
It is interesting. Let me know. See the different my papers on bare bone skeleton of quantum mechanics by using Clifford algebra, and in particular that one on International Journal of Theoretical Physics. It is interesting also the journal Clifford Analysis, Clifford algebras and their Applications (CACA).
Sorry , I forgot to mention... also Journal Article: An Investigation on the Basic Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by Using the Clifford Algebra
Elio Conte
[show abstract]
Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics. 01/2011; 5(11):485-544
Dirac, maybe he had other perceptions, but he realized that we had moved beyond our percetion and we need to depend on theory, in his tme, and today on very large and expansive machines to show the actual composition of the universe.