We have been using biological control agents against various diseases and pests on various crops and in strawberry. Our most recent publication is in the North American Strawberry Growers' Association newsletter (for growers not for scientists) and will give an idea of our approach using pollinators as the vectors of biological control agents. The technology can also be applied to insect pests. What is C. fragaefolii? The name tells me it is found on strawberry leaves but not what sort of an organism it is. Please check on references and citations to our work here, P. G. Kevan and co-workers.
Thank you, knowing that the pest is an aphid is a great help, thus A. colemanni is the parasitoid that is commercially available. We have had some success with Beauveria bassiana against peach aphid in greenhouse tomato. We have used the pollinator biovectoring technology for that. Cheers, Peter