26 February 2014 11 1K Report

A 65 year old woman with CKD (urate nephropathy) with severe chronic asymptomatic hyponatremia (S-Na 121 mmol/L), elevation of creatinin kinase (7 ukat/L), polyuria (3600ml/day), polydipsia. No episodes of seizures, no clinical signs of dehydration, no medications affecting diuresis or natriuresis.

Serum Na 121, K 4, Cl 82, P 1.31, Ca 2.5, urea 9.2 mmol/L, OSM 254 mmol/kg, creatinine 97 umol/L, CK 7 ukat/L.

Urine Na 36, K 9, Cl 26 , P 3.7, Ca 0.21, urea 59, creatinine 1.28 mmol/L, OSM 147 mmol/kg.

Fractional excretion of Na 2.25%, OSM 4.4%, water 7.6%, urea 48.6%.

pH 7.41, pCO2 5.9 kPa, HCO3 28 mmol/L. Creatinine clearance 0.56 ml/s.

After 4 hours of fluid restriction diuresis was 400ml, increased urine osmolality from 147 to 265 mmol/L, increased urine sodium from 36 to 57 mmol/l, slightly decreased serum osmolality from 254 to 252 mmol/kg, serum sodium remained unchanged.

What is the diagnosis?

Is it water diuresis? Serum osmolality is higher than urinary, but fractional excretion of osmolal substances is high.

Could be primary polydipsia - urine osmolality increased after water restriction, so probably it is not diabetes insipidus, ADH should be present, at least partially.

Why did serum sodium not increase after fluid restriction? Could it be the combination of primary polydipsia and decreased tubular reabsorption of sodium (urate nephropathy)? Why is CK elevated without episodes of seizures?

Thank you for your opinions.

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