Physical experiments were performed by Alain Aspect in 1982, later modified and continued by others. In the experiments results of far separated measurements of certain particle observables were strongly correlated, a fact interpreted as indicative of information being transmitted at speeds higher than c between the particles involved.

The best and simplest explanation of the correlations is that the values of the observables were well defined from the very beginning and all along the particle trajectories. Therefore full correlation is the expected and natural result, as demanded by the relevant conservation laws.

The conceptual setting for the experiments originated in Einstein. His argument is that conservation laws would be violated if the correlation did not exist. But on the other hand the quantum indeterminacy contradicted such correlation. These experimental facts can be understood adopting one of the following irreconcilable standpoints:

1.- The quantum doctrine is the final explanation of the microworld, the essence of objects and phenomena is intrinsically random, and spooky action at distance is a mysterious interaction that has physical existence. These theoretical ideas are hard to understand ("nobody really understands QM", "Quantum Logic", "shut up and calculate") but certainly are the viewpoints of a majority, being propagated in schools and universities as well as through mass media.

2.- Particle properties are not indeterminate and quantum mechanics is an incomplete description of reality. Intrinsically random phenomena do not exist and the physical microworld is in fact as deterministic as our daily experience with the macroworld.

Why is the uncertainty-indeterminacy-random-entanglement QM viewpoint preferred? Because an acceptable fully deterministic replacement of QM, with the same or better capacity to calculate stationary energies and states, has taken too long to appear. Meanwhile the frequent invocation of QM gave to this tentative doctrine a status of permanent truth.

When an alternative, valid, natural, deterministic completion of QM appears Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Louis De Broglie, Erwin Schrödinger, David Bohm and many others will be vindicated against Max Born, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg and their allies.

Once the natural deterministic theory appears how long should it take until QM is replaced?

Nevertheless the deterministic explanation of entanglement deserves serious consideration and ample diffusion.

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