13 Questions 70 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Daniel Crespin
Hello to all Artificial intelligence is often mentioned as an area where corporations make large investments. It seems that they use AI in autonomous vehicles, face recognition, medicine,...
10 October 2018 2,900 6 View
The question and this explanation were posted elsewhere, but initial answers disappeared from the site. I repeat it here hoping it will stay. %%%%%%%% There are several Nobel Physics winners that...
06 June 2018 6,557 5 View
Schrödinger self adjoint operator H is crucial for the current quantum model of the hydrogen atom. It essentially specifies the stationary states and energies. Then there is Schrödinger unitary...
11 November 2016 4,210 62 View
Let R^* be the multiplicative group of non-zero real numbers, R the additive group of real numbers, and consider on the set R^*\times R the group operation defined as (a,b)*(a',b') = (aa',b+ab') I...
04 April 2016 1,059 4 View
Reading the opening post of a software...
04 April 2014 8,769 6 View
Bill Gates made the following statement "If you invent a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, so machines can learn, that is worth 10 Microsofts." (The New York Times, March 3, 2004) Mr....
03 March 2014 914 4 View
The usual way to obtain neural networks that recognize given data is incremental training by backpropagation. But there are much better alternatives. The following is taken from section 3 of the...
04 April 2013 5,528 9 View
Does it make sense to validate a NN after training? Let A, B be training sets of n-vectors. Vectors in A are examples, or vectors with expected output 1. Vectors in B are counterexamples, with...
04 April 2012 7,607 20 View
The XOR problem in dimension 2 appears in most introductory books on neural networks. The problem consists four 2-dimensional binary data vectors, each with a binary output 0 or 1 according to the...
03 March 2012 9,092 9 View
Several online repositories exist that provide numerical data for machine learning problems. One of these is http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/index.html There you can find the Sonar, or Mines vs...
03 March 2012 6,149 1 View
Under the above assumption ALL data can be used for training. Testing is useless since the NN obtained is known to correctly classify all the data. Also, if new data are provided that the old NN...
02 February 2012 1,564 2 View
Assume that a new neural network procedure (NNNP) is found that allows to efficiently train neural networks up to the best their theoretical performance. Suppose that the NNNP is "miraculous" and...
01 January 1970 7,733 7 View
Physical experiments were performed by Alain Aspect in 1982, later modified and continued by others. In the experiments results of far separated measurements of certain particle observables were...
01 January 1970 7,217 11 View