I have read from many literatures that in pot experiment it is advisable to calculate the rate of application of biochar in on weight basis. My experiment is to determine the effects and interaction of cadmium and biochar remediation on rice plant biology and physiology

I am applying cadmium at 10 25 and 30 mg/kg soil and Biochar will be applied in rates of 0.3%, 1.7%, 3.3% (kg of biochar per kg of soil) at equivalent to application rates of 30, 60, and 120 t biochar ha-1 assuming a soil bulk density of 1.2 g cm-3 up to a depth of 30 cm

Assuming a soil density of 1.2 g/cm3, a pot diameter of 18cm and height 15cm using 2.5 kg of soil my calculation shows at all rates of biochar (20, 60, and 120 t) I will be applying 25 grams of it. I feel my calculation is wrong.

Example of my calculation is for 20 t biochar

20*1000*1000 g per 2000000 kgs

For 2.5 kg soil the biochar required =20000000*2.5/2000000=25g/pot. and i get the same anser as 25g at all the different rates. this is wrong

Please kindly provide a detail calculation so I can understand and be able to do it myself

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