In Water Resources Engineering, the sizing of reservoirs depends on accurate estimates of water flow in the river that is impounded. For some rivers, long-term historical records of such flow data are difficult to obtain. In contrast, meteorological data on precipitation have often been available for many yearst. Therefore, it is often useful to determine a relationship between flow and precipitation. This relationship can then be used to estimate flows for years when only precipitation measurements were made. For example, the following data are available for a river that is to be dammed:

Precipitation=[88.9 108.5 104.1 139.7 127 94 116.8 99.1]

Flow=[14.6 16.7 15.3 23.2 19.5 16.1 18.1 16.6]

How can I put the best line with linear regression to predict the annual water flow on the data?

if the drainage area is 1100 km2, estimate what fraction of the precipitation is lost via processes such as evaporation, deep groundwater infiltration, and consumptive use.

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