What differentiation do you have between, what may be considered, 'free oxygen' and the oxygen that may be bound as oxide formations within your titanium samples??
LECO analysis will give overall bulk oxygen content (both free and bound). I would be very wary of assigning any quantitative values to Auger data as the technique is very prone to artefacts and errors. Gettering of Ti through use of alloying elements with greater oxygen affinity would require TEM to identify oxides present or indirect measures, e.g. lattice parameter changes or phase balance modification.
Thanks Martin, I know of the LECO analysis and use it for commercial work on a regular basis. We converse about the measure of compounds that contaminate Ti, especially with regard to C, O and the respective oxides of these. What I want is qualitative identification of these compounds to enable atmosphere optimisation during thermal processing. Recently published work by Jull, Kunnemeyer, Schaer and myself on the novel use of LIBs for this purpose shows great possibilities.