FDA has a "Table of CYP Substrates, Inhibitors and Inducers". You can consult it in: http://www.fda.gov/drugs/developmentapprovalprocess/developmentresources/druginteractionslabeling/ucm093664.htm
Hello, I will focus on the "single-dose" . Although there are many drugs that induce CYPs as it is said above, I am not sure that a "single -dose" will lead in a significant increase in CYP expression for example in the liver or in the gut. Although inhibition of a CYP can be occur with a single dose, induction will require a multiple-dose to be observed (at least in clinical level) and it will be in some days-time not in accute phase.
Now, if you want to analyze the molecular mechanims then maybe it will be enhanced after the first dose of rifampin for example, but also if I am not mistaken for protein level you will need some days to observe it.
So I am not sure that any drug after a "single dose" can lead in significant CYP induction, only if an inducer remains in the body for a long time (due to pharmacokinetic properties). As significant induction I mean in clinical level where a CYP substrate's concentration will have a significant reduction due to increase in CYP levels.
I attach a link for one of the many clinical studies...Rifampin (a well known CYP inducer) is administered for 7 days in order amount of CYP3A4 to be increased significally.
So which drug induce CYPs after a single dose in humans, if I do not miss something the answer is none. Maybe some toxic-compounds can do it but for drugs none comes to my mind. Drugs that are Inducers will need multi-dose administration. If there is any which can do it with a "single-dose" I will be glad to learn it too