Our institute is planning to subscribe/buy hard copy versions of renowned magazines related to Energy sector (especially Renewable Energy). Could you please name some of them.
Akhsay Urja is the official newsletter published by MNRE, India focusing on renewable energy. It also reflects government policy and programmes in the renewable energy sector.
If you are interested in solar energy, I think a good reference can be Solar Energy The Official Journal of the International Solar Energy Society® https://www.journals.elsevier.com/solar-energy
To my opinion, also the journal Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (published by Elsevier, 5-year impact factor 10.093) could be of interest for you. It "publishes review papers, original research, case studies and new technology analyses that have a significant review element, covering all aspects of energy generation from renewables".
There you can easily get up to date with the newest developments and you can also identify partciular research papers relevant for you, as they are summarized and cited in repspective articles.