Although the image is out of focus and needs a bit of an upgrade or even a better resolution, I think it could be a detached or isolated cell of species of Melosira, since it has been document from Black sea before .
The attached image is from
It is a cyst of Scrippsiella trochoidea, which is also observed in thses waters
The corresponding attached image is from
I sincerely wish that the appended images help you towards the accurate identification of the taxon since you have observed the specimen under microscope and I have to be content with the image posted.
I agree with Syed and Abuzer regarding to unclear pic. To me, based on species morphology and dimension, it looks like Archaeomonas species i.e. A. hungarica or A. pseudoformosa I found similar article where you can check how this genus looks like: Article Modern Archaeomonadaceae from the land-fast ice off Adélie L...
It is a Melosira as a colony form. Pigmentation indicated diatom. It is needed to make permanant slide for the identification of diatom to see the frustule.
Thank all of you. As I understand the photo don't allow to accurate identify this organism. I suggest that it has the shape of a sphere with outgrouws, and is similar to a spore of unknown microalgae, like those:
You need to determine the mineral composition of the solitary specimen (Organic, Siliceous or Calcareous), which seems difficult at this stage. No point in making wild speculations.