In recent years, future risks have been in the focus of contemporary business world. The estimation of expected and unexpected losses which can be caused by those emerging risks is extremely challenging since their amplitude is typically unknown and difficult to predict.[1]

Predictability of the future is one of the main conditions of prevention of crisis ans ensuribg necessary resistance to their negative effects. But it is significantly decreased due to the existence of uncertainty in the economic environment.[2]

In these conditions of uncertainty, it is hard to predict any unexpected event. But once it occurs with a significant negative impact, it is called "the black swan event".

What is a black swan? For centuries it was assumed in Europe that all swans were white. But then in the 17th century, a Dutch explorer observed a black swan in Australia. Before his observation, the phrase "black swan" was used as a metaphor for something that could not exist.[3]

In finance, a black swan event is a phrase commonly used to discribe an extremely negative event or occurrence that is impossible to predict.

The concept of black swan event was known for the first time by the statisticien Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his books "Fooled by randomness"[4] (2001), "The black swan: the impact of the highly improbable" (2007)[5]. According to him, the black swan idea is based on the structure of randomness in empirical reality, and the combination of low predictability and large impact makes it a great puzzle.[6]

According to Taleb, a black swan event is an event distinguised by three key properties:[7]

ü It is a rare event that is so hard to predict, outside of the realm of regular expectations.

ü It carries an extreme impact.

ü After the fact, human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurence, making it explainable and predictable.

[1] Vesna Matic, "Emerging risks- the wave of black swan events", Vol 45, Issue 4, Bankarstvo, 2016, p53

[2] Igor Vladislavovitch Ponkin," "Black swan" event as manifestation of uncertainties in public administration", Vol 10, No 2, 2019, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, p10

[3] Martin Kramer, "Seven black swans in the middle east", 2019, p1


[5] Martin Kramer, OpCit p1

[6] Nassim Nicholas Taleb, "The black swan: the impact of the highly improbable", New York, Random House, 2007, p18

[7] Jochen Runde, "Dissecting the black swan", Critical Review, Vol 21, No 4, 2009, p 493


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