I am trying to examine the impact of cognitive and psychological factors, socio-demographic factors, Experimental processing factors and socio-cultural and institutional factors on farmers risk perception of floods. Based on the assumption of causality among these observed variables, i am running the following model. Cognitive and psychological variable (latent) has been measured by five indicator variables, these indicator variables are ordinal variables (1 to 4 point scale). Socio-demographic observed variables such as education, income and gender are continuous, continuous and dichotomous variables respectively. Experimental processing factor is a latent variable measured by four indicator variables (continuous and dummy). Socio-cultural and institutional factors is also a latent variable measured by five indicators variables (which are dummy and continuous variables). Risk perception of the flood, which is an endogenous latent variable measured by four ordinal indicator variables.

I run the model, but the model is not good fit (see the attachment). My concern is: can i measure the latent variable where observed variables are dummy and continuous? I am also trying to model by using reflective and formative latent variables in AMOS, but it did not run the model.

Any suggestion on the attachment.

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