it’s hardly to obtain some concentrated manual about the freshwater threatened species to be investigated in non-traumatically way! Can explain you about my experience. If you are working with vertebrates (like fish) you can use telemetry, or some remarking methods, that give you possibility to keep investigated specimens alive. but it depend (I mean your approach) on the type of the watercourse or basin. Some fish species cannot even visually (like in migration) when jumping over the waterfall. Radio telemetry as well smtms is the very effective and modern devices are good even in shallow waters. The same with amphibians. Should simply recalculate them in the area and let them to go into the habitat. Good photo camera is very effective, especially with sport regime that can help to identify even fast motile species. this can do with semi-aquatic animals, birds. i made perfect photo of ermines, herons, egrets, black stork etc.
If you are doing with small invertebrates the approach is much more complicated. If microbenthos, like mollusks - investigate alive if possible. But in fresh-water not so much threatened. Majority - if appear - are in great abundance. For a lot of water larvae of insects hardly if possible to identify them alive!
The only thing you should remember – rarity and threatened species are not the same. Rarity is a strategy for some populations to avoid raptors and to survive!
some articles down I have in my library are from closed sources.. May be help.